We offer a safe and inclusive environment, culturally competent care, specialized counseling, peer support, educational workshops, advocacy, and allyship tailored to the unique needs of individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community during their reentry into our rehabilitation center. Recognizing the unique challenges and needs faced by this community, we have tailored our programs and services to offer culturally competent care and unwavering support.

I believe that allyship is essential in creating a more inclusive and affirming society. I encourage allies from all backgrounds to join us in our commitment to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. Through education, dialogue, and action, we cultivate a culture of allyship where everyone plays a role in fostering acceptance, understanding, and respect.

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If you are experiencing a mental health medical emergency, a drug or alcohol-related crisis, or if you are concerned for someone you know, call 911 immediately or proceed to the nearest emergency room.